Jurassic World Dominion is a 2022 American science fiction action film directed by Colin trevoro and co written by Emily Carmichael. Based on the stories of trevoro and Derek Connolly, this is the sequel to the Jurassic world: the fallen Kingdom (2018), and the third and last film of the Jurassic trilogy. This is also the sixth part of the Jurassic Park series, ending the story of the Jurassic Park Trilogy. Click here to watch Jurassic World Dominion free online, and you can also Watch Fiction Movies Online Free.
Like its predecessors, Frank Marshall and Patrick Crowley produced the film, and trevoro and Steven Spielberg, director of Jurassic Park (1993), acted as executive producers. The film is composed of a group of actors such as Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, Laura Dean, Jeff Goldblum, Sam Neil, de Wanda wise, mamudu ASI, BD Wang and Omar Xi. Dern, Goldblum and Neill reprised their roles in the Jurassic Park Trilogy, appearing together for the first time since the 1993 film.
The background of this film is that four years after the “fallen kingdom” incident, dinosaurs are now living with people all over the world. Earlier, Owen Grady and Claire Dearing were on a rescue mission, while Alan grant and Ellie Sattler were reunited with Ian Malcolm, revealing the conspiracy of biosyn, a genomics company that was once a competitor of Yingen.
Prior to the release of the first Jurassic World Dominion film in the trilogy, the initial planning of the film began in 2014. Filming of the film began in February 2020 and was suspended due to the COVID-19 epidemic. Locations include pine studios in Canada, the United Kingdom and Malta. Unlike the two predecessors, legend entertainment did not participate in the production of the film after the four-year cooperation relationship with universal expired in 2019.
Jurassic World Dominion was released by universal pictures and premiered in Mexico City on May 23, 2022. The film was released in the United States on June 10, 2022, and the global box office exceeded $974 million, becoming the second highest grossing film in 2022. The film has received widespread negative comments from critics, who believe that the film has come to an end.